Ürkmez (Lebedos)-Kavakdere

Distance: 18 km

Average duration: 6 hours

Starting point elevation: 6 m

The highest point: 167 m

Endpoint elevation: 71 m

Difficulty level: 3


Starting point GPS: 38°04’29.58”N / 26°58’01.59”E 

Peak point GPS: 38°08’58.37”N / 26°54’18.21”E

Endpoint GPS: 38°09’27.86”N / 26°53’33.77”E
Transportation to the beginning of the course: You can arrive at the Menderes district center by a private vehicle using the Konak - Adnan Menderes Airport highway. Then, you can reach Ürkmez by taking the Yeniköy-Orhanlı village road. If you would like to use public transportation, come to the district bus terminal or the Cumaovası transfer point by taking the İZBAN train; from the district bus terminal, you can take a minibus or from Cumaovası you can take a bus no 829 to reach Ürkmez.
Structure of the course: Starting from the seaside, the course goes through settlements, gardens and forest roads by mostly following fire lanes. The course is not difficult. There are lots of ups and downs due to the faulted structure of topography. The highest altitude on the course is 175 m.
Details of the course: The course starts from the camping area at the north of Kısık Peninsula in which the ancient city of Lebedos was situated. Then, it goes down towards west, towards the seashore and goes on for 1200 m along the seashore and turns to the street on the right: it arrives at the Seferihisar – Kuşadası highway.
After going across the street, it goes on for 200 m towards north. When it reaches the crossroads, it continues heading towards north again. After the settlements disappear, it follows the terrain roads passing through the tangerine gardens and reaches the beach at the left of the Ürkmez Dam. Passing through the dam’s penstock and body, the course turns right and ascends with a terrain road parallel to the shoulder. About 600 meters ahead, from the end of the dam’s body, it turns left and continues with a tractor road. You can see Paramlı village at the opposite side. Then, you need to follow the road parallel to the slope and reach the center of the village. By following the fire lane ascending towards the shoulder at the opposite, west of Payamlı, you should go through the maquis and reach the flat field on the shoulder. The road starting from the west of the flat field joins a forest road in the valley. The route continuing in the forest goes into the valley, follows the forest road towards north for a short time and goes into the fire lane on the left.
When the course firstly arrives at west, at the main shoulder through the fire lane, it begins to follow the fire lane towards north. Through the fire lane descending to the end of the Payamlı Irrigation Pond at the west of the shoulder’s line, it joins a forest road. On the forest road, it ascends through valley towards northeast and turns left at the point where the road forks. By following this road, it goes up to the fire lane on the shoulder. Along the fire lane on the shoulder, you need to go right, towards north. When the fire lane is about to end, you should turn left and go into the path in the forest. At the end of path, you should be out of the forest and continue in the southwest direction through a forest road and arrive at the Yeni Orhanlı-Ürkmez village road. You need to go ahead for 500 meters south on the asphalt road. Then, you should cross a bridge by following the asphalt road going right. After crossing the bridge, you need to turn right and cross Kavakdere Brook; then follow the road heading left through the gardens and reach the beginning of the shoulder.
From this point, you should go up the shoulder by following the fire lane. Afterwards, you need to follow the fire lane and the shoulders until the west of Kavakdere village by passing through the highest point of the course. From this point, you need to cross Kavak Brook by going into a path on the left and descending the slope. Finally, you will arrive at the road between the gardens, the asphalt village road and the last point of the course, Kavakdere.
Alternative routes connected to the course:
  1. Kavakdere-Teos
  2. Kavakdere-Beyler-Gödence
  3. Değirmendere (Colophon)-Karacadağ-Tahtalı-Ürkmez (Lebedos)
Water resources: None
Camping sites: There are two camping sites in Payamlı and Kavakdere.
Shopping and accommodation: Ürkmez is the only shopping area in this route. You may prefer guesthouses and hotels in Ürkmez and Seferihisar.
Natural and historical values: The course passes by gardens offering beautiful images with their flowers in the spring and with their tangerines in the fall; therefore it passes by the Ürkmez Dam and Payamlı Pond. Although the sea is behind you, you encounter a pond and a dam on the route which are other beauties of this course.
The course also involves the ancient of city Lebedos. 

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