Yukarı Ovacık-Kösedere

Distance: 12, 6 km
Duration: 4 hour 30 minutes
Starting point elevation: 384 m
Highest point: 718 m
Endpoint elevation: 218 m
Difficulty level: 3
Starting point GPS: 38°28’34.29”N / 26°31’53.89”E
Peak point GPS: 38°30’18.19”N / 26°31’09.07”E
Endpoint GPS: 38°32’33.98”N / 26°32’56.71”E
Transportation to the beginning of the course: For transportation by a private vehicle to Kösedere, 94 km away from Konak, exit at the Karaburun junction of the İzmir – Çeşme highway. Follow the İzmir – Çeşme highway in the direction of Çeşme. Turn right from the İYTE (İzmir Institute of Technology) junction to Gülbahçe. Follow the Balıklıova – Mordoğan direction from the following junction. You can reach Kösedere by entering the Eğlenhoca road after Mordoğan and passing the Eğlenhoca center.
If you use public transportation, first come to the Fahrettin Altay (Üçkuyular) metro station. Go to Urla by the municipal bus numbered 725 from the transfer center in Üçkuyular. Then, go to the town center by the Urla – Karaburun bus numbered 761 from Urla. You can arrive at the town directly by the Karaburun buses from the Üçkuyular bus terminal. You can reach Kösedere by village buses from Mordoğan or Karaburun. You need to arrive at Yukarıovacık which is the beginning of the course by a private vehicle. The distance between Kösedere and Yukarıovacık is 12 km.
Structure of the course: There are soily and rocky pathways surrounded by high and low shrubs. Forest roads, tractor roads and large roadways are also used in the region.
Details of the course: The course starts from Yukarıovacık position. You move to Köypınarı fountain near Bölmaç Mountain. You arrive at Kertil fountain and Dalakalan in the highest point by passing from a mountain pass crossing the pine forest between Bölmeç Mountain on the left and Bümüşdağı on the right. After Dalakalan, you reach Balaban from the steep and old tractor road that was opened along the hillsides of Bölmeç Mountain. The tractor road going to Mahmutoğluhocası sıracası continues from the left side of the goat pen in Balaban. Following the Mahmutoğluhocası sıracası, you arrive at Osmanoğluhocası sıracası by following the pathway lying north. When you pass the fountain, you can follow the pathway going east. The pathway in a rocky area leads you to first to Üstakya and then to Kösedere village.
Alternative routes connected to the course:

  1. Kösedere – Akdağ – Yaylaköy
  2. Kösedere – Ambarseki – Saip – Karaburun
  3. Yukarıovacık – Köypınarı – Gerence (İltur) İskele
  4. Karareis – Yukarıovacık – Aşağıovacık
  5. Eski Mordoğan – Eğlenhoca – İnecik – Kösedere
Water resources:

  1. Yukarıovacık – Köypınarı Fountain: 38°29’38.21”N / 26°31’01.40”E
  2. Kerti Fountain: 38°50’20.14”N / 26°51’62.34”E
  3. Osmanoğluhocası Fountain: 38°53’53.97”N / 26°53’91.70”E
  4. Mahmutoğluhocası Fountain: 38°54’78.80”N / 26°53’13.44”E
Camping site: There is a camping site in Kösedere village, in which you can meet all your needs (38°35’50.99”N / 26°33’11.19”E). Moreover, you can camp in Mahmutoğlu sıracası and Osmanoğluhocası sıracası.
Shopping and accommodation: You can acquire your needs in Kösedere village. You can benefit from the guesthouses and hotels in Mordoğan.
Natural and historical values: Passing through the unique geography of the Peninsula, the Gulf of İzmir offers a visual feast. The course is appropriate for walking between September to June and is covered with the vegetation of the Aegean Region. It is especially rich in terms of olive groves and wild flowers. The months between November – January, February – March and November – January are the production periods of daffodils, hyacinths and olive oil, respectively.
You can also see the stone pressed olive mill and typical village coffee houses.
In order to make them earthquake resistant, the old minarets in Kösedere village and Karaburun town center were built by ashlar stones that can be interlocked.

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