
Distance: 16 km

Average Duration: 5 hours 30 minutes

Starting point elevation: 128 m

Highest point: 284 m

Endpoint elevation: 170 m

Difficulty level: 2


Starting point GPS: 38°19 01.10”N / 26°27’53.40”E

Peak point GPS: 38°18 34.88”N / 26°30’50.21”E

Endpoint GPS: 38°19 25.30”N / 26°34’47.80”E
Transportation to the course: In order to go to the village, situated at a 71 km distance to Konak, you should go to Zeytinler from the İzmir- Çeşme highway and turn to Çeşme from the İzmir – Çeşme land route. After 8 km, turn to the Ildırı – Germiyan asphalt road.  After 2.5 km, you will reach Germiyan village. Instead of using the highway, you can follow the Narlıdere – Urla İçmeler – Gülbahçe – Uzunkuyu road and enter the Germiyan – Ildırı road.
In order to use public transportation, you can take the metro in Konak and get off at the Fahrettin Altay station. From the city garage in there, you can get on the Çeşme buses. After that get off the bus at the Ildırı – Germiyan detour. You can also get off the bus at the Nohutalan detour. Another option can be getting on the Ildırı minibus at the Fahrettin Altay City Garage and getting off at the same detour. In order to reach the village from there, you need to walk for 2.5 km. Minibuses that go to Ildırı from Çeşme go to Germiyan twice a day except for in theweekends. You can take the Urla Eshot bus numbered 725 from Fahrettin Altay and reach Nohutalan.   
Structure of the course: The overall structure of the course is suitable for trekking. The land is level.The road is covered with shrubs until Birgi. There are pine groves on the hills and on certain areas. There are olive trees and olive groves in certain areas. Fields are mostly situated near the villages. After Birgi, there are plateaus, fields and ponds covered with pine groves. It can be difficult to walk in the summer as the areas that remain in the shade are few.
Details of the structure:  
Germiyan – Nohutalan: The course starts from the entrance of the road coming to Ildırı from Germiyan, in front of the old flourmill. From the asphalt road, which passes through the village, you can go to the İzmir – Çeşme state road. After 500 m, you should turn to the dirt road that goes east. You can continue near the stone pit and reach Güvercinlik from the dirt road that passes through the maquis shrubland. There is a plain area that you can reach by passing through the pathway (the pathway is located on the southern coast of the fields). From this plain area, you can turn southeast. You can enter the forestry by following the tractor road from the end of the shrubland. From the end of the plain forestry valley road, climb 400 m to the pathway and then turn northeast from the summit and reach the pathway from the land where there are pine trees and maquis. From there, you can go down the hill. When you go down hill, you will see the fields and two vineyards at the end of the wide pathway. After that, you will follow the dirt road that passes near the breeding farm. There is a short ascending road that goes to the village. There is a heavy smell of fertilizer around the breeding farm and at the entrance of the village.
Except for its short and rapid slope, it is easy to walk on the course. Except for the 500 m asphalt road in the beginning, it consists of a dirt road, a tractor road and a pathway. Most of the course consists of shrubs and few parts consist of forest and are covered with olive trees. There are no fields except for in Güvercinlik and around the village.
Nohutalan – Birgi: By leaving the village center, you can turn to the dirt road and then to Köstem Olive Farm. You should follow the plain dirt road through the farm. After you see the main entrance of the farm, you can turn to the tractor road that goes to the hill on the right. After seeing the old water tank on the hill, you can go down the hill. The surrounding is covered with shrubs and pine trees. When you go down the hill to the east, follow the pathway that goes through the field and the olive groves. When you approach the village, the pathway turns into a dirt road. After 500 m, you can enter the village from south. Walking on the course is easy except for going up and down the hill where the water tank is situated. As you approach the village, fields start.
Birgi – Barbaros: By following the entryway, you can reach the village. By not entering the Barbaros stabilized road on the right, you can turn to the pathway from the separation of the land road after 200 m. If you go up the hill on the right, you can see the ruins of the mill. You can go to Barbaros from the hill by following the short pathway. You can reach the Birgi – Barbaros road. This stabilized village road that passes through the fields is followed. After almost 500 m, you can turn to the tractor road on the right and then the pathway. You can reach two ponds through the pine trees. When you turn left, you can reach the second pond by crossing over the axis of the first pond. By following the tractor road, situated between the two ponds, you should walk for almost 750 m west and reach the intersection. From there, you can follow the tractor road on the left that goes north. After 450 m, you can enter the pathway on the east and reach the third pond. You can reach the Birgi – Barbaros village road from the pathway that goes north, passing through the axis of the pond. The asphalt village road connects with the Barbaros – Kadıovacık – Ildırı asphalt that comes from the İzmir – Çeşme state road. You can enter the village. Most parts of the course consist of stabilized roads. It is easy to walk on the course.  
Alternative routes connected to the course:
  1. Alaçatı – Germiyan
  2. Germiyan – Ildırı (Erthrai)
  3. Barbaros – Balıklıova
  4. Barbaros – İçmeler
  5. Zeytineli – Ulaştıran Tepe – Zeytinler – Birgi
Water resources: There is artesian water in Germiyan and there is also water in the well in Güvercinlik. (38°19’02.90”N / 26°29’33.30”E)
There are also water resources in Nohutalan and Birgi.
There is a main water supply in the camping area. (38°18’28.90”N / 26°33’59.20”E)
There is a pond in Kocagöl.
Water can also be obtained from the facilities in Çamlıgöl.
Barbaros also has water resources.
There is also water in the mosques of the villages along the course. The pond water is not potable.
Camping sites:
Germiyan: The surroundings of the astro pitch previously belonging to the village headman and located on the left side of Ildırı entrance is suitable for camping. The facility has a water system, a shower and toilets. In the summer, tents can be set up in the garden of the primary school.
Nohutalan: Tents can be set up on the renovated area located in front of the old primary school. The inside of the school building can be used as an eating and resting area. There are also washbasins and toilets near the girls Quran course.
Birgi – Barbaros: There is a camping site between the two big ponds. In that area, there is a water resource and ten tents can be set up (38°18’28.90”N / 26°33’59.20”E). There are coffee houses with big gardens near this area.
Barbaros: The Emek Culture & Art House gives service as a guesthouse. There are ten wooden bungalows where two people can stay in each. You can also have breakfast, lunch and dinner there.
The old fountain of the village (38°20’01.90”N / 26°34’20.40”E) does not work in the summer. Under the fountain, there is a plain area at a 2 km distance to the village. This area can be a camping site where five or six tents can be set up. The shores of the ponds can also be used as camping sites but the ground is watery in these regions in the winter months.
Shopping and accommodation:
Germiyan: There are no guesthouses or restaurants in the village. There is a grocery store, a coffee house, a bakery and a mosque. The villagers produce tolive oil, bread, hand soap and kopanisti cheese. They also produce melon, anise, black fig and wine grape. The Germiyan Bread Festival takes place in October every year.
Nohutalan: There are no guesthouses or restaurants in the village that is at an 8 km distance to Germiyan. There is a mosque. As there are no grocery stores, bakeries and coffee houses, there is no shopping opportunity. Chickpeas, olives and wine grapes are produced. There is also a breeding farm. The melon is famous. The Melon festival is realized every September.
Birgi: The village is at an 11 km distance to Germiyan. There are no guesthouses, restaurants, groceries, bakeries or coffee houses. There is a mosque. You shop from Uzunkuyu 2 km away. 
Barbaros: You can reach the village with public transportation. There is a guesthouse. There are ten bungalows and they give service both in the summer and the winter. There is also breakfast and dinner in the guesthouse. You can also have breakfast in the coffee house in the village center. Olive and melon are produced in the village and traditional food is presented in the village bazaar. The yard festival takes place in April.
For accommodation, you can stay at the hotels and guesthousessituated on the coast of Germiyan and Ildırı. You can also stay at the Emek Culture & Art House bungalows in Barbaros village.
Natural and historical values:
There are a few old Greek houses in Germiyan. A house, which is situated in front of a mosque, was renovated. When you enter the village from the Ildırı direction, you will see an old flour mill building on the right. There are old equipments inside the building.
In Nohutalan, there is an old, partially ruined church and there is a ruined parsonage near the church. There are old, ruined Greek houses in Birgi. One of them was renovated. Three old and ruined windmill towers can be seen from the hill of the village on the north. There are ponds on the Birgi – Barbaros road. Two of these ponds are big. Most of the old wells in Barbaros were renovated. The Emek Culture & Art House, situated in the entrance of the village, can be visited. Paintings by Batuhan Bozkurt are exhibited in the House. These paintings are made with a mosaic technique by using pebble stones. A monument and a park were built in Barbaros village for the memory of the martyrs of the Çanakkale War. 

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